71 South 200 West
PO Box 854
Delta, Utah 84624
Phone: (435) 864-1403
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8AM to 5PM
Friday 8AM to 12PM
(Closed Federal Holidays & Utah's Pioneer Day)
During a court hearing, the person charged with a crime (defendant) may request a court-appointed attorney (also known as a public defender).
To determine if the defendant qualifies for a court-appointed attorney, he/she will need to fill out an Affidavit of Indigency (financial affidavit). This document is reviewed by the judge, and the judge determines if the defendant qualifies or not.
If the judge approves the request for a public defender, the defendant may be required at the later point in the case to pay all or at least a portion of the fee for the use of the public defender's services.
If a public defender is approved by the judge, the court will give the defendant information about how to contact the assigned public defender.