71 South 200 West
PO Box 854
Delta, Utah 84624
Phone: (435) 864-1403
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8AM to 5PM
Friday 8AM to 12PM
(Closed Federal Holidays & Utah's Pioneer Day)
Sentencing occurs after a defendant is found guilty by a judge or jury at trial or after the defendant enters a plea of guilty or no contest. The defendant has the right to wait to be sentenced no less than two days nor more than 45 days after he or she enters a no contest or guilty plea or is found guilty after trial. The defendant may waive that right if the defendant wishes to be sentenced the same day of the trial or of the entry of a plea.
At sentencing, the judge imposes a sentence that can include a combination of jail time, fines, fees, community service, and/or treatment.
The defendant may be placed on probation with the court or a private probation provider to monitor the conditions of the sentence and compliance with those conditions.