71 South 200 West
PO Box 854
Delta, Utah 84624
Phone: (435) 864-1403
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8AM to 5PM
Friday 8AM to 12PM
(Closed Federal Holidays & Utah's Pioneer Day)
Your case has been scheduled for a video hearing. You are Ordered to read, fill out and return the first two (2) forms to the court before your scheduled hearing. If you want to request a public defender – fill out and return the third form. If you do not return the forms as requested, your case may be continued until they are received by the court.
You can fill out the forms, save them with a different name and then email them to deltacityjustice@gmail.com. You can also print them first, fill out by hand and email them back to the court.
You are also ordered to watch the video below explaining your rights before your court hearing.
The court is held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning at 9:30 a.m. This schedule does not include trial dates or specially scheduled hearings. Dates are subject to change. Contact 435-864-1403 to schedule a court date.